What I Learned in my first Whole30 Challenge

And how I would do it differently three years later

Jen Duff
5 min readOct 22, 2021
bowl of healthy fruits and vegetables
Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

Have you ever gotten an overwhelming sense that you need to take a step forward? In February, 2018, I knew I wanted to take a big step to improve my health. I teach my clients to take baby steps, and I am a firm believer in them. But I knew I was ready for a bigger step. When one of my clients asked me to join her on her first Whole30 Challenge, I jumped in.

When I became a health coach in 2012, I learned about over 150 dietary practices, including Whole30, so I had the facts.

But there is nothing — and I mean nothing — like having the experience for yourself.

happy woman chopping fruit and vegetables
Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

I began to prepare in February, planning to start on March 1st. Fortunately, I share my life with the most amazing man who is always willing to be a guinea pig for my food adventures. He read the guidelines and agreed to participate.

We used the last two weeks of February to finish any fresh or frozen groceries that weren’t Whole30 compliant. Wasting food is the worst!

I always recommend, when making healthy swaps, to use what you



Jen Duff
Jen Duff

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