We Meant to Foster a Puppy. We failed.

And now he is ours.

Jen Duff


Two months ago, my friend, Karen, who works at a local animal shelter, sent me this picture of a young, skinny puppy. She was looking for a foster family for him. Loud, busy shelters are no place for young puppies and when it’s possible, it’s best for them to be in a loving foster home. In an ideal world, all dogs of all ages would have foster families, but today was just about this guy.

We had no plans to add a new family member. Our sweet Remmi Joy left us only two months before, and we were still reeling from the loss. We weren’t ready to adopt but we loved the idea of fostering. And I thought it would be a great way to help a young dog and maybe even lift our spirits a bit.

“The best laid schemes o’mice an’ men

Gang aft a-gley.” Robert Burns

I chuckle as I was both mice and men. Fostering a puppy for a few days was a great plan. It was the best laid scheme.

We picked him up from the shelter two hours later, taking time to set up a puppy pen in the kitchen and grab a small collar and lightweight leash.

When we arrived at the shelter, I talked to the receptionist while Vic, my significant other, wandered the lobby. I saw him take time to greet each…

